Friday, April 5, 2013


It seems I have a few followers who miss reading my blog. Who knew? Amazingly, it's been more than a year since I wrote. I know why. I work. For most of my adult life I have worked contract positions, and normally have a six month (or even a year) off in between contracts, and that's when I get creative.Now I get to be creative at work and I really haven't had a whole lot of time off.

The best part of this job thing is my new sense of place in the community. It's quite satisfying to work where you live and to feel a part of things - to see things progressing and to know almost everyone wherever you go.

A quick catch up is in order. I last wrote in February of 2012. In March I had a museum booth at the McArthur Island Open House, inside the old Bates and Innes Mill. I'd never been inside before.

In April I took daughter #2 to Toronto for a U of T open house and we took an afternoon to tour the Distillery District. So amazing. I must have taken a thousand photos. I was in old industrial building heaven!

In May I parked the car on High Street and finally checked out this great red shed, standing newly visible in a field. It was full of treasures and I think a dead raccoon. Very smelly. It, of course, has since been demolished and the field is torn up and marked out for another lovely new subdivision.

In June the museum had a booth at the Lilac Festival in Franktown and I explored the drive sheds behind the old Anglican Church. They still had old feed signs tacked to the beams. The church was beautiful of course, but intact drive sheds are much more interesting!!

Next post, I'll get you caught up on the summer of 2012!

1 comment:

  1. well yes. I have just sat here and read each and every entry. I love old houses. I love reconstructing (deciphering) old houses. I have enjoyed the time here with you. I wonder how you are coming along. Have you got to pull the new fangled siding down off your house yet? Would love to read about that.
