Monday, October 5, 2009

As I deal with the fact that our back porch is facing another winter in it's unfinished state, i take heart in other people's tardiness/indecision/laziness...(With apologies to the owners, who I don't know!) If you are insulted, please come see all my unfinished stuff!!

Check out this house. It was white with blue trim. Then it was blue with white trim. One weekend it turned grey, and the trim started to change to dark blue. then, about a year ago, things just stopped. the great little window's walk has never been touched.

I guess they are still deciding....

And, about a kilometer down the same street:

These people made their decision at least 8 years ago. They transformed the front of their house with dark paint and lots of detail on their veranda. It's gorgeous. but that's all they ever did. The front.


vetsson said...

That house @ the corner of Lake and Hawthorne... I was in elementary school (late 80s) when the Berreas owned it. They changed the front of the house, I believe. They were having issues with insulation and water damage, and pulled off several layers to see what was under it.
They sold the house shortly after their (teen) daughter had a child.
Weird what one remembers.

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